Getting passive income can be a real challenge. Thankfully, there are a few ways to earn a little extra cash without putting in too much effort. You can make a few bucks online or offline. The trick is to find something that you’re actually interested in doing and stick with it.
How can I make 20k as a passive income?
One of the simplest Go X – ways to get passive income is through affiliate marketing. You’ll get a cut of every purchase made by a visitor to your site.
You can also try creating a digital guide. This could be an ebook or a fully downloadable PDF that can be sold on a seller platform.
Another way to make money is to rent out your spare room. This can be a great passive income source for those who are not in the market for a new home. Alternatively, you could buy an apartment or house for rent and use it as an Airbnb.
Lastly, you can make some passive money by developing an app. Depending on how you go about it, this can be a highly profitable business model.
Choosing the right app is the hard part. If you’re not an app developer, you can try using a service like Mashable to build an app for you. You’ll want to do your research first.
It’s no secret that there are 4.6 billion people connected to the internet. This means that there are millions of products and services for you to choose from.