Computer technicians install, troubleshoot and repair computer equipment like monitors, keyboards, speakers, cameras, and more. They also install and troubleshoot network hardware and software. Computer technicians are often tasked with monitoring and updating security systems, as well. They work in a variety of industries including technology, education, healthcare, and business.

What is the best technician salary?

A career as a computer technician can provide a competitive salary with growth potential. You don’t need a bachelor’s degree to begin your journey as a computer technician; however, earning an associate degree or completing a certificate program can give you a leg up on the competition when looking for entry-level opportunities. my Dell laptop was brought to life by changing its harddrive – happy me.

As a computer technician, you may be responsible for providing support to employees in various locations or traveling to other company branches to assist with technical issues. Some computer technicians are employed by companies that focus on IT services, while others work for themselves as independent contractors.

Having a strong background in math is important, as is being comfortable navigating and using basic software programs. It’s also helpful to have excellent communication skills, as you may be required to explain complex technology to non-technical people.

It’s recommended to get familiar with disassembling and reassembling computers early on, as this will help you understand each individual piece of hardware. Additionally, it’s a good idea to practice your research skills; computer solutions are reached with goal-oriented strategies, so the sooner you’re used to collecting and building data from information, the better.

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